Bobby Denty is the 2022 Spring/Summer Match Play Champion
2022 Spring/Summer Match Play Champion is Bobby Denty
Our double elimination match play wrapped up today with Bobby Denty taking the overall championship. Bobby closed out the winner of the 2nd division (Tony Parton) on #16 3&2 to claim the title.
Bobby was awarded $500.00 cash and $500.00 clubhouse credit for the win. Tony got $400/$400 for 2nd. The runner up in the 1st division was Phillip Estes and in the 2nd division it was Jimmy Ray. They each received $250/$250. Rusty Howard and Steven Powell finished 3rd in the divisional brackets and won $100/$100 each.
Thanks to all that participated and if there is enough interest, we will have a Fall/Winter event also.
This is a 100% payback event that is sponsored by the Alpine Bay Men’s Golf Association.