Couples Scramble (12:30pm)

Alpine Bay invites you to join us in our Couple's  Scramble. The cost to enter is $10 per player plus the cost of golf.


MGA Year End Dogfight

The 2021 MGA season ending dogfight will be held on Saturday morning, November 13. The MGA  have a meeting and they will also provide breakfast. The breakfast and meeting begins at 8am followed by the dogfight at 9am.

Couples Scramble 12:30pm

Alpine Bay invites you to join us in our Couple's Scramble. The cost to enter is $10 per player plus the cost of golf.

MGA Sunday Dogfight 9am

Sunday’s dogfight begins at 9am.  Winners are paid with club credit. The skins, closest to the pin and most over are all paid in cash. You can sign up and play in Sunday's dogfight anytime between 9am and 1pm. Your group must have at least three players to be eligible  for the dogfight.

2022 MGA Sponsored Member/Member Tournament

Alpine Bay will be hosting our Member/Member tournament on Saturday and Sunday, May 14 & 15. The entry fee will be $125.00 ea. The tournament will be flighted by your dogfight points total as of COB May 1.


Memorial Day (Yellow Ball) Dogfight 9am

This will be a a,b,c,d, golfer team event. You must sign up to play in the Yellow Ball by 5pm on Sunday May 30. The Yellow Ball portion is $10 above the cost of the dogfight.